'Never Have I Ever' is one of the most popular drinking games, so it only makes sense it the first one we cover in our brand-new drinking games category! Basically, the idea is we're going to build a large collection of all the most popular drinking games so that you always have a trusty resource to fall back on, as well as give you inspiration for new party games.
In theory, you can play Never Have I Ever with any number of people, but we'd recommend around 5 people as a good place to start. And of course, before you start you will all need to pour yourselves each a drink.
1. Start by choosing the beginner - In order to decide who goes first you can either flip a coin, play rock, paper or scissors, or just randomly select a member.
2. Have the first player make their statement - The statement must be an act that person have never done before. For example, 'I have never been to a strip-club', in which case everyone who actually has been to a strip-club has to have a shot of their drink.
3. If in fact nobody has done it, and they don't take a drink, then the person who made the statement must knock back a glass themselves - This is where the game gets interesting and strategic. If you don't think anyone has done it, don't say it.
4. The game is decided by either who is the most sober, or who had to drink the least shots (so it makes sense to keep a tally of everyone's drinks) - Essentially, Never Have I Ever can go on indefinitely, though we'd recommend stopping when things get a little out of hand, as with most drinking games. Decide the winner based on how who is most sober, or who had to drink the least shots - the latter is obviously a lot more easily measurable.