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The Top 5 Hangover Cures

Posted by Luke

While we don’t fully encourage excessive drinking, we realise as beer bong specialists that some of you may… over-indulge. And while we cannot physically stop you from getting off your box what we can do is hope you know your own limits, hope that you are safe, and even throw in some remedies for the next day!

The hangover is perhaps the biggest curse of a good session – it’s either that or the humiliation you face after being a first-class prat! Whichever one it is, both come the day after a heavy night’s drinking, and if you can at least tend to your physical symptoms, you may just be able to sort your head out too.

Everybody has their own special way of dealing with the dreaded post-drink dehydrated depression, so we have scoured the internet, spoke to everyone at our headquarters, and compiled a list of the top 5 most effective hangover cures:

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Alcohol is a diuretic; this means that your body will always produce more urine than you have actually drunk, hence why you get so dehydrated, hence the headache, dry-mouth, and colourless complexion. Drink plenty of water throughout drinking and before going to bed to try and minimise the effects, and the next day you’ll want an isotonic sports drink to replace those salts!

2. Painkillers

We know some people have to be in pretty bad shape before they reach for painkillers, but surely some of the temple-splitting migraines that follow a big night out are a worthy cause? Pop two ibuprofen or paracetamol as soon as you emerge and we promise you’ll feel better for it.

3. Walk It Off

This is a bit of an old cliché but it really works! If you can manage to go for a walk you will release some endorphins, sweat out some toxins, breathe in some clean air, and simply feel all ‘round feel fresher! The more you hide under your blanket and feel sorry for yourself, the sorrier state you will feel.

4. Eat Right

For some hangovers you may not want to eat a thing, and if you are in a really bad way you will have to be careful you don’t eat anything that will upset your stomach – plain scrambled eggs is one of the best things you can eat! If you do have the munchies then feed that craving, and while we know you will be craving the greasiest food imaginable, throw in some orange juice or a multivitamin to ensure you are not deficient in any vital minerals.

5. Sleep On It

We know this is a bit of an obvious one but facing a hangover on top of sleep deprivation makes everything worse, or at least feel worse in your head. We know that getting a healthy night’s sleep is not always doable as you have other commitments, in which case these are probably the times when you shouldn’t be having a heavy night beforehand – if you are sat here reading this and it is too late, we’re sorry, but bear it in mind next time your mates want a wild one.

Our New Range of Beer Pong Merchandise!

Posted by Luke

Here at Beer Bong UK we specialise in all things beer bong related - unsurprisingly, but we also dedicate a lot of time to the very serious, very professional and highly esteemed sport that is Beer Pong. That's right, we are advocates of beer pong and take the game extremely seriously, striving to offer only the best beer pong accessories that money can buy. If you take your beer pong seriously like we do, have a mean ping pong ball throwing arm and consider yourself well equipped with the ol' red solo cups then we think you need to own your talent, step up to the mark and let everyone know who's the beer pong boss. That's why we've released a range of exclusive beer pong merchandise for you to get you ready for your beer pong tournament. 

Here are 3 of our favourite beer pong clothing items from our new beer pong merchandise range.

1. Beer Pong Champion Jumper

Beer Pong Champion Jumper

This beer pong hoodie is for the serious contenders. Wearing the proud 'Beer Pong Champion' logo across your chest with the image of those notorious red solo cups. Rocking this hooded jumper for your impending beer pong game will make sure all your opponents know who's boss. 

2. Princess Beer Pong T-Shirt

Princess Beer Pong T-Shirt

This Beer Pong Princess T-Shirt is one for the ladies, showing those guys that girls can pack a beer pong punch too! Wearing this t-shirt will ensure that everyone knows you're not just a pretty face, and though you might be as cute as a princess - you can certainly own the beer pong table. 

3. Red Team Beer Pong T-Shirt

Red Team Beer Pong T-Shirt

Our Red Team Beer Pong T-Shirt is the ultimate in beer pong merchandise if you're playing in teams. Your whole team should be kitted out in these t-shirts, letting everyone know the red team is who's boss. If Alternatively, if you're playing a solo match against a friend you can rock this red team t-shirt, and your fearful opponent can wear our Blue Team Beer Pong T-Shirt

Beer Pong: The Next Level - Extreme Rules

Posted by Luke

Lads and lasses, ladies and gents, it's a pleasure to welcome you back! This week we're keen to delve into the mysterious (and awesome) world of Beer Pong once more - but in a lot more depth. That's right guys - we've already showed you the basics in our handy Beer Pong for Beginners Guide found herewhich will tell you everything you need to know to get yourself acquainted with Beer Pong: the party game that will change your life. 

Now if you're a seasoned Beer Pong player, or if in the style of Pringles - you've had a pop and you just can't nor do you want to stop and you're dying to scratch that itch and satisfy your cravings then folks, you have undoubtedly come to the right place. Here we consider Beer Pong a sport of the highest order, and in this blog post we'll be bringing you the extreme rules - the rules that will turn this light-hearted game into a battle to the death drunk. These rules allow Beer Pong to become the competition  it was destined to be - folks, it's time to bring out the big guns.

Follow these rules for Extreme Beer Pong - taking your game of Beer Pong to the next level. 


1. No elbows

This means no elbows are allowed to touch the Beer Pong table or anywhere near it. You shoot with your elbows behind the table. Any elbows will result in a drinking penalty, or if you're feeling harsh - the removal of one of the offending team's cups from the table.

2. No wrists 

The same as the elbow rule - but much, much harder. This rule means you shoot with your wrists behind the table, making the opposing targets even further away. This rule is only for the most seasoned of players - this makes Beer Pong pretty hard.

3. Re-Racking

Up to three times in any game each team can request for the opposing team's cups to be re-racked. This means you move the cups into some sort of formation where they're touching, rather than leaving lots of gaps. We might argue that this occasionally makes the game easier, but these are Beer Pong rules for you to use at your disposal, so use them wisely young grasshoppers.

4. Bouncing 

If you bounce a ball and it makes it into a cup - either accidentally or otherwise, this is a trick shot and means you can remove the cup which the ball bounced into and one other cup of your choice. 

5. Hitting the Rim

If your ball hits the rim and bounces out, without landing in a cup then we have a competition on our hands. A dirty pint is created and you are challenged to either hit the rim again or get the ball in the cup - if you manage it the other team shares the dirty pint, if you don't then bottoms up my friend! 

6. No Lonely Cups 

If you notice a "lonely" cup - which means one cup which is separated from the rest on the table, you can call it and attempt to hit it. If you miss or you hit another cup then your shot is invalid and you lose a cup of the opposition's choosing, if you hit it then that cup and another of your choice can be removed from the table. 

7. No Blowing or Pushing

If a ball is rolling around the cup or the rim, or is not settling in the cup then no blowing or pushing the ball is allowed. If anyone attempts to intercept the ball or cheat then you lose a cup. You must all wait patiently, for Beer Pong is not a game to be rushed. 

8. Shots 

Once one team has one, there could well be a number of other cups left on the table. Play these cups one by one - if you miss, you drink a shot, if you get it then you get to nominate another player of your choice to drink a shot. 

The beauty of Beer Pong is that you can make as many exotic and exciting rules as you wish. You might want to adopt a no swearing rule - offering a free shot to the opposing team whenever someone swears? The Beer Pong rule options are literally endless. Just remember: this is not a game for babies - you need to take it seriously, and play as if your life depended on it!